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Eddie K

Eddie K

Last visit: 1 year ago
Quit on November 30, 2015
3,337 Days Quit
Quit on November 30, 2015 3,337 Days Quit
  • QuitNet Profile

  • Quit Date
    November 30, 2015
  • Medication
    Cold Turkey
  • My Quit
    On NOVEMBER 30, 2015 I was finally ready to give up smoking in exchange for my life, my mountains, and the great outdoors. I have not regretted one minute of my decision, no matter how hard it is. I'm an addict and will always be an addict but I don't need nicotine anymore. I....AM.....DONE with cigarettes!

    SEVEN MONTHS LATER..........
    So long, farewell, adios nicotine! I am the Captain of my ship now and as I sail away to freedom, I will not look back and mourn your loss.
    Quitting smoking has been the best and most rewarding decision I ever made for myself. I am loving the new, nicotine free, me :-)

    8 MONTHS LATER....
    Another month behind me! It's getting easier! I'm not going back, not giving in! I'm feeling too good to mess around with cancer sticks.

    319 DAYS LATER.....
    I will be coming up on a year QUIT on Nov. 30. I am SO thankful for my quit and I treat it with the utmost care and respect. I very rarely think about smoking now and it does not tempt me if I smell cigarette smoke, or see someone smoking. Which brings me to my final thought......
    Now that I am living life as a non-smoker, and now that I truly know how deadly smoking is, I feel it is my responsibility to share my story of how I quit, and why, with my friends, family, neighbors and the strangers on the street. I can not be silent. I can not stand by and let someone die gasping for breath. In love and compassion, I am compelled to help those around me quit...for good. I chose life over cigarettes, and I want others to do the same.
    Whoever is reading this.....((HUGS)) you big! Treasure your life and treasure your quit.

    What a journey it's been! It began with a lot of tears, a lot of cursing, and a whole lot of feeling sorry for myself. Then, as time went by, I started to accept the fact that cigarettes were no longer front and center of my life. I fought the cravings. I found more productive things to do to replace the habit of smoking. Now, I look back at how far I've come (and how far I still have to go) and I know in my heart I can never go back. I don't want to go back!

    What I love the most about my quit is the fact that I can enjoy life to the fullest now. I don't need to carry a pack of smokes everywhere I go. I can hike and climb my mountains, and I can sit on the edge of a meadow overlooking the valley far below.....and just breathe. LIFE happened when I quit smoking, and I am loving every smoke free minute *smiling really big*

    Life is fantastic!! I do not miss cigarettes at all. Not one bit!! I'm healthy, happy, full of energy, hiking and climbing my mountains, and I can breathe again. If you are reading this and struggling to quit, I want to encourage you to dig in deep and shout 'NOPE'!! Not One Puff Ever!! As the days and weeks go by, quitting will become easier and easier....I PROMISE :-)

    I can remember a time when I felt trapped by nicotine. Cigarettes were my crutch for all sorts of things. I would smoke when life got stressful...I would smoke when I was bored....I would smoke because my friends smoked....I would smoke after a meal...I would smoke when I got mad at something or someone....I smoked when I got nervous or antsy, I smoked because I thought I needed a cigarette every hour of every day of every year!

    Wanna know something? IT WAS ALL A LIE!! I STILL experience stress and anger and nervousness. I still get antsy and bored. Cigarettes did NOTHING to alleviate ANYTHING.

    All cigarettes did for me was take away forty percent of my lung capacity. Had I kept smoking, they eventually would have taken my life also.

    FACT IS folks....give 'em up! A cigarette is a ticking time bomb wrapped in white paper. They do absolutely nothing for stress, anger, loneliness and anxiety. Don't buy in to the LIE. Draw from the well of courage and walk away from nicotine for good. I can too :-
  • Advice
    Smoking not only wrecks your lungs, but other parts of your body as well. Your heart....your blood vessels....your joints....every part of you pays the price from smoking. The sooner you make the decision to quit for good, the longer you will have to enjoy this wonderful live we have been given. Love yourself enough to lay the nicotine down for good. For it for YOU!

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