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Alberta Quits

Alberta Quits

This group is for quitters from Alberta both new and migrating from Alberta Quits allowing us to...

Removed Started by huouiioiuui01 Saturday, 06 August 2022 0 Replies
The First Week Started by Dan Tuesday, 08 February 2022 4 Replies
Thanks Teach Started by LostKiwi Friday, 07 January 2022 4 Replies
View all discussions Displaying 3 of 3 discussions
Thought for Today

Thought for Today

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Saturday Smile

Saturday Smile

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Repost: Before You Light That Cigarette

An excellent repost. Before you light up - read this and come for help. There is nothing a cigarette can do for you (except lie to get you hooked in again). Get the support you need. Get off the roller coaster of serial quitting, free yourself from the slavery of addiction - life truly is so much better when you take your power back.
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Thought for today

Thought for today

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Friday Smile - this is my Hobbs

Friday Smile - this is my Hobbs

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Repost: One Bite at a Time

Another great Dave repost.
Have a good one.

One Bite At A Time:
From Titotiger on 4/4/2007 11:36:42 AM
I remember when elephant jokes were popular. (Okay what wise guy said I should remember when dinosaur jokes were popular?) Some of the elephant jokes were pretty silly.

“How do you get 6 elephants into a Volkswagon?” You put 3 in the front & 3 in the back.

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Good morning all
Happy Friday and a huge TGIF!!!!!

Up and going for the day close to being on time wooo hoooo!!!! In my office today and I have a ton of paperwork to get done. That will be my day. Smoking is Not part of my day today or any day thanks much. Again saying NO to smoking and keeping moving forward along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand to the next winner joining me kicking ash to the curb today.
Have a fantastic Friday

3Y 11M
Life Saved
Money Saved
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Thought for Today

Thought for Today

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Thursday Smile

Thursday Smile

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Repost: I'll Quit in January

This was so me. Each time I tossed a quit with BS excuses and justifications, I would start again whenever I thought was good. There is never a good day or a bad day to quit. I quit March 15 - the day meant nothing to me and let me tell you I tried to come up with excuses for changing that day - but guess what I decided there was never an excuse to break my quit and I have stuck with that and forever will. I will go for help before I ever smoke.
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Good morning all
Happy Thursday to you.

I am up and going for the day today. I slept in a bit but am finally moving. I was going to visit some of my kids today but I think I have to be an EA for the morning. Will try and touch base with my kids after class and make it to the office. Busy day - no time for smoking here. I am saying NO to smoking and keeping to my path along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand to the next winner joining me kicking some ash to the curb today.
Have a good one
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Thought for today

Thought for today

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Wednesday Smile

Wednesday Smile

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Repost: Stages of Grief

I love this one. While I always encourage people to be positive, if you were like me smoking stuffed down your emotions and I found them to be my 25 best friends. You are allowed to grieve. Change is a challenge, but it is important that as you let go of the grief, to focus on all the positives and let me tell you there are a ton more positives when quit over being a slave to addiction. You cannot see it during active addiction - the smoke is in your eyes, grieve, work...
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Good morning everybuddy!
Happy Hump Day!!!

Up and going for the day. One of my EA's was ill yesterday so I ended up helping in the classroom for the morning. By the time you get to the office most of the day is shot. Today I am back in the office again counting on not getting sent elsewhere else. Smoking is not going to be part of my day today or any day. Saying NO to smoking and keeping to my path along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand in friendship and support to the next winner joining me...
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Thought for today

Thought for today

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Tuesday Smile

Tuesday Smile

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Repost: Inspiring our quit with a children's story

I love this but have no idea who wrote it and where I found it. It is so true. I put a lot of hard work and effort into quitting and I am rewarded for that with improved health (yeah diabetes is wacko - has nothing to do with quitting just my bad choices but my breathing is excellent), rewarded with freedom - I am not a slave to my addiction and do not have to race to feed it when it demands to be fed and most important of all, I am happy and...
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