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This group is for quitters from Alberta both new and migrating from Alberta Quits allowing us to...
Repost: Before You Light That Cigarette
An excellent repost. Before you light up - read this and come for help. There is nothing a cigarette can do for you (except lie to get you hooked in again). Get the support you need. Get off the roller coaster of serial quitting, free yourself from the slavery of addiction - life truly is so much better when you take your power back.
...Repost: Before You Light That Cigarette
An excellent repost. Before you light up - read this and come for help. There is nothing a cigarette can do for you (except lie to get you hooked in again). Get the support you need. Get off the roller coaster of serial quitting, free yourself from the slavery of addiction - life truly is so much better when you take your power back.
Before You Light That Cigarette
From Eric7704 on 11/5/2009 9:58:52 AM
I thought that maybe it might be a good idea to write something that can be copied and printed. Then anyone can carry it with them in case they get an urge to smoke.That way they can read it before that act on the urge. You can write your own, but I thought I'd write out a general version.
(insert your name here), are you thinking about smoking a cigarette? Are you thinking that you're going to light that cigarette and all your problems are going to just wash away and all will be perfect with the world?
Before you light that cigarette (insert your name here), think it through. Right now, you're building a fantasy in your mind of what that cigarette will be like as you light it and start to smoke it, but really think about it. Do you really think that cigarette is going to live up to these great expectations that you're building up in your mind?
In past quits where you smoked again. Did that cigarette ever live up to those great expectations before or did it just cause you to fall back inot the grip of addiction?
Why would this cigarette be any different? A cigarette is a cigarette. It cannot be anything else but what it is. It cannot change. It cannot become a better cigarette. It cannot become a more compassionate cigarette. It cannot become a better friend than before. It can only be what it has always been and always will be.....your obstacle to FREEDOM!!
Even any illusion of relief or pleasure that you might feel while smoking that cigarette will most likely be as quickly ripped away after the last drag and you extinquish it, as it was there while you were smoking it.
Then what will you be left with? Regret? Anger? Dissapointment? Depression? An empty unfulfilled feeling and possibly a need for another one?
A cigarette will never fix the world. It will never make your day better. If anything, it will probably ruin that day and quite possibly the next day and so on.
(insert your name here), there may be times when you will have thoughts for a cigarette. There may be moments in life when things go bad and you may have a strong urge for a cigarette.
But think it through. While you may want "a cigarette", that is not the reality of smoking. It's not about smoking "a cigarette". It's about HAVING to smoke the tens of thousands that will follow. You couldn't control your smoking before and you won't be able to control you smoking now. You smoked because you HAD to smoke and if you smoke again it will be because you HAVE to smoke.
Nicotine is an addiction that can never be satisfied. There will always be a need for another cigarette.
There may be moments when you want a cigarette, but moments always pass. Always.
While you may have an occasional thought or urge to smoke in certain situations. That is infinately better than the constant NEED to smoke in any situation.
For as long as you DON'T smoke, your thoughts or urges to smoke will lessen and lessen, but a smoker's NEED to smoke will never lessen. If anything, as long as they smoke, the NEED will become greater.
So for today, you choose NOT to smoke.
KEEP CHOOSING FREEDOM (insert you name here)!!!!
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Good morning all
Happy Saturday to you!!!!!
Up finally for the day. Getting sleep in before the time change tonight lol. Here to pledge and run as I have grocery shopping to do. Smoking is not going to be part of my day today or any day thanks much. Saying NO to smoking and keeping walking along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand to the next winner joining me kicking ash to the curb.
Have a super Saturday.
3Y 11M
Life Saved
Money Saved
Repost: One Bite at a Time
Another great Dave repost.
Have a good one.
One Bite At A Time:
From Titotiger on 4/4/2007 11:36:42 AM
I remember when elephant jokes were popular. (Okay what wise guy said I should remember when dinosaur jokes were popular?) Some of the elephant jokes were pretty silly.
“How do you get 6 elephants into a Volkswagon?” You put 3 in the front & 3 in the back.
“How...Repost: One Bite at a Time
Another great Dave repost.
Have a good one.
One Bite At A Time:
From Titotiger on 4/4/2007 11:36:42 AM
I remember when elephant jokes were popular. (Okay what wise guy said I should remember when dinosaur jokes were popular?) Some of the elephant jokes were pretty silly.
“How do you get 6 elephants into a Volkswagon?” You put 3 in the front & 3 in the back.
“How do you stop an elephant from charging?” You take away its credit cards.”
Yeah I know – They weren’t very funny in the 60’s either. LOL
However, one elephant joke actually had a great hidden message to it that I never forgot.
“How Do You Eat An Elephant?” Answer: ONE BITE AT A TIME.
Quitting smoking is a lot like eating an elephant. If you smoked for a number of years, you may have a hard time believing you can actually quit. You can win this battle but you’re going to have to go through some changes, both physically and mentally. You have to stay positive and allow these changes to take place. Just take it one step at a time. Have patience, be persistent and little by little you will see that elephant disappear. Remember – you can’t eat that elephant in one gulp.
Oh and if you ever run across a “Blue Elephant” – Try to cheer him up.
See You At The Top
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Good morning all
Happy Friday and a huge TGIF!!!!!
Up and going for the day close to being on time wooo hoooo!!!! In my office today and I have a ton of paperwork to get done. That will be my day. Smoking is Not part of my day today or any day thanks much. Again saying NO to smoking and keeping moving forward along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand to the next winner joining me kicking ash to the curb today.
Have a fantastic Friday
3Y 11M
Life Saved
Money Saved
187,164...Good morning all
Happy Friday and a huge TGIF!!!!!
Up and going for the day close to being on time wooo hoooo!!!! In my office today and I have a ton of paperwork to get done. That will be my day. Smoking is Not part of my day today or any day thanks much. Again saying NO to smoking and keeping moving forward along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand to the next winner joining me kicking ash to the curb today.
Have a fantastic Friday
3Y 11M
Life Saved
Money Saved
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Repost: I'll Quit in January
This was so me. Each time I tossed a quit with BS excuses and justifications, I would start again whenever I thought was good. There is never a good day or a bad day to quit. I quit March 15 - the day meant nothing to me and let me tell you I tried to come up with excuses for changing that day - but guess what I decided there was never an excuse to break my quit and I have stuck with that and forever will. I will go for help before I ever smoke.
D6931...Repost: I'll Quit in January
This was so me. Each time I tossed a quit with BS excuses and justifications, I would start again whenever I thought was good. There is never a good day or a bad day to quit. I quit March 15 - the day meant nothing to me and let me tell you I tried to come up with excuses for changing that day - but guess what I decided there was never an excuse to break my quit and I have stuck with that and forever will. I will go for help before I ever smoke.
I'll quit in January...
From Jersey1 on 12/11/2006 7:42:58 PM
I'll quit in JANUARY; a brand new year.
No holiday stresses, I'll be in the clear.
But January comes and what happens then?
The bills all arrive! I need help from my "friend."
I'll smoke this one pack, it will help me get through.
(But hey, in February, it'll be a new you!)
February arrives, time to set the new date.
I'm ready to quit now – this habit I hate.
A few days go by, but alas, what is this?
Valentine’s Day and no one to kiss?
I hate this damn month, it’s snow and its ice.
I’m lonely, I’m cold – boy a smoke would be nice.
So March comes along, I can surely quit now!
I go buy all the patches my wallet allows.
I’m armed with my lozenges, fireballs and gum,
I’m chewing on Twizzlers and sucking my thumb.
But crap! I can’t do this. What am I thinking?
It’s St. Patrick’s Day – it’s time to go drinking!
And where there is alcohol and fun smoking friends
Is there in the tavern – and there my quit ends.
But hey here comes April! A new spring, a new start!
It’s now warming up, I feel strength in my heart.
I’m all set to quit now, got the patches back out,
Slap one on my booty – my resolve I don’t doubt.
Oh no, what has happened – it can’t possibly be!
The first warm day’s here, it’s 73!
My co-workers are meeting for drinks in the sun
And yes, once again, Nicodemon has won.
So May seems more likely, I’ll quit before summer.
I’ll work out for my bathing suit
(feeling fat’s such a bummer).
Damn. I forgot that vacation I planned -
Margaritas are flowing, my toes in the sand.
You know that there’s one thing that would SO hit the spot –
Just a few little ciggies (I like them a lot).
Well June has arrived, and this time I mean it.
I’m sick of addiction; I’m ready to beat it.
I’ve been coughing so much, and my throat’s scratchy-dry.
Everyone asks if I’m sick (“yes” I lie).
Oh no – a phone call that all people dread.
A close family member who’s been sick is now dead.
Go to the funeral, everyone’s weeping,
I light up the cigarette I’ve kept for safe keeping.
I’m far too upset to think about quitting;
I’ll get to that next month (all things permitting).
July comes along with picnics and fun
And lots of Coronas, outside in the sun.
And everyone likes a good smoke in the eve
While you gaze at the stars and enjoy the warm breeze.
Well better enjoy it – this summer’s the last
Since I’m quitting for autumn, once summer has past.
(All August long I inhale the fumes
Smoke as much as I can as September’s quit looms.)
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Good morning all
Happy Thursday to you.
I am up and going for the day today. I slept in a bit but am finally moving. I was going to visit some of my kids today but I think I have to be an EA for the morning. Will try and touch base with my kids after class and make it to the office. Busy day - no time for smoking here. I am saying NO to smoking and keeping to my path along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand to the next winner joining me kicking some ash to the curb today.
Have a good one
Cara...Good morning all
Happy Thursday to you.
I am up and going for the day today. I slept in a bit but am finally moving. I was going to visit some of my kids today but I think I have to be an EA for the morning. Will try and touch base with my kids after class and make it to the office. Busy day - no time for smoking here. I am saying NO to smoking and keeping to my path along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand to the next winner joining me kicking some ash to the curb today.
Have a good one
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Repost: Stages of Grief
I love this one. While I always encourage people to be positive, if you were like me smoking stuffed down your emotions and I found them to be my 25 best friends. You are allowed to grieve. Change is a challenge, but it is important that as you let go of the grief, to focus on all the positives and let me tell you there are a ton more positives when quit over being a slave to addiction. You cannot see it during active addiction - the smoke is in your eyes, grieve, work...Repost: Stages of Grief
I love this one. While I always encourage people to be positive, if you were like me smoking stuffed down your emotions and I found them to be my 25 best friends. You are allowed to grieve. Change is a challenge, but it is important that as you let go of the grief, to focus on all the positives and let me tell you there are a ton more positives when quit over being a slave to addiction. You cannot see it during active addiction - the smoke is in your eyes, grieve, work hard and work it out - it is so much better on the freedom side.
From BilliB on 3/25/2004 11:53:56 AM
When we quit smoking so many hundreds of changes occur not only in our body, but also on an emotional level of our being.
There was a post earlier about crying. Those are healing tears. Emotions that have been held down for years as we "smoked at them." Many of us have smoked for the majority of our lives. For some of us that well be over 40 years of inhaling a substance that helped us to cope with our feelings and disappointments. We didn't need a reason to smoke. It was a way to life.
There is a Grief process that occurs when we quit this addiction. It is as real as any other kind of grief. Grief is the loss of someone or something that is an important part of our lives. During the early stages of grief, we are lost, confused and totally turn inside out. Nothing makes any sense, yet we struggle to find our way through the maze of confusion.
Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross wrote about the 5 Stages of Grief. They are: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Sadness and Acceptance. We move through these different stages in cycles. It is not a 1 -2- 3 type of process. Life doesn't work that way. So we find ourselves weaving through these different levels of Grief until we have finally found that level of Acceptance. At that point we have peace inside. We have let go of the addiction. It no longer rules our lives. We are free to walk without carrying the burden of our addiction on our backs.
In moving through and processing our Grief we are learning to surrender to the process of life and our recovery from addiction. Often we still try to avoid this process. We don't want to feel, or perhaps we are afraid to feel, so smoking still tries to lure us into its trap. It is often with anger and trying to bargain our way through thee process that we move through the Guilt process. Seldom do any of us do this dance very pretty. We are awkward, not know how to let go and move forward.
After all the crying, screaming, yelling, bargaining, anger, denial........ as we think we are about to die, suddenly comes the acceptance, that deep incredible knowledge of acceptance. The fight is over, for the most part.
Understanding how the grief process works with stopping smoking is very important. This is a process. We are learning new things about ourselves, about life each day. Gaining strength, self esteem and love we are growing, learning new important facets about ourselves we did not know before.
Work toward being gentle with yourself as you move through this grief process. Understand that this really is a process, and not an event. Yes, we have a quit date, that marks the day we last inhaled nicotine into our bodies, but learning to live as a non smoker IS A PROCESS.
Knowledge is power.........
~~ Billi
1172 Smoke Free Days
now with 3871 smoke free days !!!
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Good morning everybuddy!
Happy Hump Day!!!
Up and going for the day. One of my EA's was ill yesterday so I ended up helping in the classroom for the morning. By the time you get to the office most of the day is shot. Today I am back in the office again counting on not getting sent elsewhere else. Smoking is not going to be part of my day today or any day. Saying NO to smoking and keeping to my path along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand in friendship and support to the next winner joining me...Good morning everybuddy!
Happy Hump Day!!!
Up and going for the day. One of my EA's was ill yesterday so I ended up helping in the classroom for the morning. By the time you get to the office most of the day is shot. Today I am back in the office again counting on not getting sent elsewhere else. Smoking is not going to be part of my day today or any day. Saying NO to smoking and keeping to my path along the Freedom Road. I offer my hand in friendship and support to the next winner joining me kicking ash to the curb.
Have a great day
3Y 11M
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Repost: Inspiring our quit with a children's story
I love this but have no idea who wrote it and where I found it. It is so true. I put a lot of hard work and effort into quitting and I am rewarded for that with improved health (yeah diabetes is wacko - has nothing to do with quitting just my bad choices but my breathing is excellent), rewarded with freedom - I am not a slave to my addiction and do not have to race to feed it when it demands to be fed and most important of all, I am happy and...Repost: Inspiring our quit with a children's story
I love this but have no idea who wrote it and where I found it. It is so true. I put a lot of hard work and effort into quitting and I am rewarded for that with improved health (yeah diabetes is wacko - has nothing to do with quitting just my bad choices but my breathing is excellent), rewarded with freedom - I am not a slave to my addiction and do not have to race to feed it when it demands to be fed and most important of all, I am happy and proud that I quit. I did the hard work necessary to get to where I am today - to see the lies of addiction. I wish for all to see the lies - I wish for all to enjoy the freedom of choosing to not give in to the lies of addiction and living life free!
Inspiring Our quit with a great old children’s story Please read .
The Plot: The basic story outline of "The Three Little Pigs" is a tale of three pigs, and each builds a home. One takes little time in building the home out of straw and spends the rest of his time playing and relaxing. A second pig builds a home out of sticks, which takes slightly longer, but he too values relaxation time. A third pig chooses to build a home out of bricks, which requires a great deal of time and effort. He values taking the time to build a home properly over relaxation and recreation. When the Big Bad Wolf comes to the homes, only the third pig's house of bricks stands up to the pressure applied by the wolf.
Moral Lesson: The primary moral lesson learned from "The Three Little Pigs" is that hard work and dedication pay off. While the first two pigs quickly built homes and had more free time to play, the third pig labored in the construction of his house of bricks. Compared to the other two pigs, the third pig's extra effort paid off in that his home lasted. The idea that taking the time to perform a task the right way has been adopted by many work organizations and preached by teachers and parents of children for many generations.
Walt Disney and the Great Depression In 1933, Walt Disney released an eight-minute animated film of the "Three Little Pigs." According to the Encyclopedia of Disney Animated Shorts, the short film inspired many Americans through the Great Depression. Americans used the Big Bad Wolf as a symbol of the strife in their lives. Just as the three little pigs were able to overcome adversity through hard work, many Americans believed that their hard work would eventually lead them out of the Great Depression. by J Soden in part.
Great lesson and moral to the story to which I think will can all inspired by to work hard , keep dedicted , and when thoughts of smoking come and torment you ; keep your quit solid .
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Good morning all
Happy Tuesday to you!!!!
Up and going for the day today. Back in to the office today. Going to hit the road and get in and try and get in and maybe leave early. Not sure what my day will bring but what I am sure of is that I will not be smoking. Saying NO to smoking and keeping on keeping on the Freedom Road. Hand extended to the next winner joining me kicking ash to the curb today.
Have a great day
3Y 11M
Life Saved
Money Saved