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This group is for quitters from Alberta both new and migrating from Alberta Quits allowing us to...
Repost: The Rules of Quitting
Posting this to give you a smile.
Have a good one
Rules of quitting
From Dr.Avery on 5/9/2011 7:31:20 PM
Disclaimer: This post is just for fun, and not meant to be taken too seriously.
In order to successfully drop smoking like a bad habit once and for all, there are certain habits - rules to follow - that tend seem to be instrumental to success.
1. Don't smoke...Repost: The Rules of Quitting
Posting this to give you a smile.
Have a good one
Rules of quitting
From Dr.Avery on 5/9/2011 7:31:20 PM
Disclaimer: This post is just for fun, and not meant to be taken too seriously.
In order to successfully drop smoking like a bad habit once and for all, there are certain habits - rules to follow - that tend seem to be instrumental to success.
1. Don't smoke. Don't smoke if something bad happens, don't smoke if something good happens, don't smoke even if nothing is happening. Don't f@cking smoke.
2. For the first week, NyQuil is your best friend. Stay sauced, stay groggy, stay asleep. If you don't feel comfortable misusing an over the counter drug, consider the fact that you've been inhaling a potent combination of known carcinogens for several years now.
3. You don't have to know why you want to smoke to break under the pressure, but you DO have to know why you don't want to smoke if you're going to survive.
4. Smoking was, is, and will always be your decision. No one else can make you smoke. Once you start blaming others for your habit, you are no longer responsible. Once you eliminate your personal responsibility for your addiction, you have made the first step towards relapse.
5. If you can't drink without smoking, quit drinking. If you can't eat without smoking, don't eat. If you can't drive without smoking, quit driving. If you can't enjoy marital relations without smoking, sleep on the couch. Once you are tired of depriving yourself of everything to avoid smoking, you will learn the truth: You *can* do all of these things without smoking.
6. That said, protect your quit. If hanging outside with the smokers is going to be more temptation than you can handle, go inside. Can't go to Vegas without smoking? Postpone your vacation. In a few short months you'll be ready for real life. Take it easy when you can.
7. If you use a gum, patch, pill, lozenge, or other cessation aid, buy extras and carry spares. For example: If you use the lozenge, keep 2 vials in your pants, keep a vial in your room, a vial in your car, and a vial at your desk at work. That way, when you forget to put your lozenges back in your pocket, or if you run out unexpectedly, or if you wear different pants, you always have a backup.
8. It might not yet seem easier not to smoke if you don't smoke today, but it will be almost infinitely harder not to smoke if you do. We are all one puff away from being full time smokers again. It will never be safe to have 'just one'.
9. Start easy and ramp up the difficulty as you go. Visiting your indoor chain-smoking in-laws might have to wait a few months. Sooner or later, you will have to deal with the world on its own terms. Start slowly, and work your way into harder scenarios. You can't live in a cave forever. Eventually the world is going to force you into a worst case scenario. Be prepared.
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11. You eventually have to quit your NRT / prescription. Take your time, but if you're using a cessation aid, that's the next thing you'll have to quit.
12. Learn to take breaks for no reason. Smoking used to be the reason for... Show more